Evaluation and Analysis of Urban Management with Emphasis on Desirable Urban Governance Indices (Case Study: Khorramabad)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Yazd University

2 MSc Student of Geography and Urban Planning

3 PhD Student of Geography and Urban Planning


Available challenges in today’s strongly civic world has impelled the necessity of revising civic management and modern civic management is following plans conforming native and local characteristics. The important thing under these conditions is to have suitable methods for managing these developments and their effects. Institutional capacity building, more efficient management, and selection of the optimum management model are among the most effective ways of dealing with these urban problems. One of the propounded models in urban management is desirable urban governance that has been defined as transparent and accountable management with the goal of achieving equitable and sustainable economic and social development. The purpose of this research was to study and evaluate the management structure of Khorramabad as compared with desirable urban governance. The descriptive-analytic research method was used, data was collected using questionnaires, SPSS and the SWOT model were employed to analyze the data. And sample size was determined using Cochran’s formula. Results showed that among the four possible aggressive, conservative, defensive, and competitive positions, Khorramabad had the worst one (the defensive position). Results of the T-test showed that citizens did not have a positive view concerning the governance indices, and that the confidence interval for the difference between the means was negative too. This shows that measured indices had means lower than that of the test (which was three in this research). Moreover, the experts believed the two indices of accountability and law abidance were desirable but the others were not.


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