Measuring Indicators of the Humanistic Approach in Planning New Neighborhoods of Tabriz (Case Study: Yaghchian Neighborhood)


1 Associate Professor Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Ph.D Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Smaller units of towns (neighborhoods) are like vibrant organisms that are in the background of many changes. It is evident that these changes create instability in the neighborhoods. For this purpose, new urban development (human-oriented approach), as a new approach in urban planning, taking into account issues of economic, social, environmental, etc., include a wide range of ­ planning and urban design. Given the importance of a human-oriented approach, the purpose of this study is to assess indicators in planning the new urban neighborhoods (neighborhoods of yaghchian) to obtain the necessary guidelines to improve the quality and physical neighborhood in the future. Method of study in this research is descriptive-­analytical and its nature is theoretical-functional. The statistical population of the research is Yaghchian neighborhood and method of data collection is library-based and survey. In the survey, the required information was collected using questionnaire and field observation and analysis of data has been conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methods and GIS and SPSS software. The results indicate that in terms of social indicators (such as a sense of belonging and social cohesion) and public spaces (safety feeling and using biological elements), with t-test value of 14.56 and 12.43 and ­ desirable Friedman rank value of 11.37 and 9.14, in terms of urban landscape and accessing with the t-test value of 11.07  and 8.94 and value rank Friedman of 7.78 and 6.82 relatively favorable, and in terms of physical and land use (such as user-level mixing and height) with 6.63 t-test value and value rank ­ Friedman of 4.73 are in average condition based on human-oriented urban development approach.


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