Coupling, a Fundamental Theory in Civil Identity of Iran

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Professor of Geomorphology, Isfahan University

2 Assistant Professor, Isfahan Art University

3 Assistant Professor, ShahidBahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Processing new perspectives and concepts in the field of epistemology of science, while introducing new laws and principles, alters evaluation, processing, and resolving criteria. Included in these new concepts and theories of geography is the concept of coupling. Coupling is a concept related to a couple of the concurrent process. In other words, Coupling explains coordinate and complementary processes that move in the same direction. This concept could help us identify and understand many phenomena which, on the surface, do not have much relationship with each other; it also helps provide an explanation for them. This study tries to explain the concept of coupling in geography, and examines Iranian civil identity accordingly. In General, the results of the research show that the concept of coupling is basically different from such concepts as dualism, although the techniques used for the analysis of facts and figures were the same. Results also suggest that the generic link between the hole and the adjacent peaks had direct impact on the development of Iran's civil centers. In other words, the relationship between the establishments of the Iranian civil centers with peaks is a time-based union. Even the vastness of the cities and their ecological capacities in Iran depend wholly on the land area of the levels higher than ۲۵۰۰ meters and the volume of mountains in this altitude.


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